Letter to the Future by Michaéla In the ideal world I have in mind, there is no needless suffering. Systems are in place to serve people, we are not there to serve the systems, or to make an effort to fit into the system. Kids are brought up with the idea in
Michaéla Schippers
2024-03-22T17:24:33+00:00Michaéla Schippers Michaéla Schippers is Professor of Behaviour and Performance Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She holds a PhD from the Psychology Department at the Free University in Amsterdam. Her passion is to let other people shine and to use evidence-based challenges to optimize performance of people
Dream of Mirjan (6)
2024-03-22T17:26:43+00:00Letter to the Future by Mirjan Mirjan dreams of super powers Very strong or maybe real quick Coming into the new world Will be done by a rainbow bridge "Actually gooder, but better is also good." Mirjan is (still) our youngest dreamer.
Dream of Marloes
2022-06-14T14:18:51+00:00Letter to the Future by Marloes In the near future, everyone will have the space to live their own life in their own way. In harmony with others, but never in the service of another's dream. Everyone is given the space to be themselves, to get to know themselves and to learn
Marloes Vis van Heemst
2022-05-22T14:06:18+00:00Marloes Vis van Heemst is organisatiewetenschapper, maar wel een eigenwijze. Nu oude manieren van organiseren niet meer lijken te werken mogen we op zoek naar iets nieuws.